Saturday, 6 November 2010

Flying Thai and Reaping Rewards

'You will keep him in perfect peace' Isaiah 26:3

You know, people in this life sometimes leave us wanting to tear our hair out and as you read this, I'm sure someone has already come to mind. It's difficult not to react sometimes when people rub us up the wrong way; the situation I had with the taxi driver the other day is the perfect example. As hard as it is sometimes, it is so worth just 'letting go and letting God'. As we were hurtling through Bangkok in totally the wrong direction, I prayed that I would be able to extend grace in the situation and to be given greater understanding of the driver as a person.

His English was poor, as is my Thai, but as frustrating as the whole situation was, we muddled through and he (eventually) got me to my destination. What would the point be of creating a scene? Not that I would, but back in the day this may have been how I would've reacted, in desperation for resolution. Out here, nothing is as predictable as life back home and you have to expect the unexpected and factor in the probability of frustration and annoyance.

Obviously when you've a 'plane to catch, you don't want to be late; well, I'm glad I set out early as the airport bus got stuck in the notorious Bangkok traffic and the ladyboy working in the travel agents advised that the bus was running late - in fact, it ended up being one-and-a-half hours late. Actually, although it was a bit touch and go at first, perfect time was made and I breezed through security at the ultra-modern Suvarnabhumi Airport and into the departure lounge.

Note to self: when doing a bit of the old 'splash-it-all-over' with the testers in the airport duty-free area, make sure it's the men's fragrances that are taken advantage of – you never know what kind of wrong attention you may attract.

The flight to Cambodia was about an hour and no sooner had we left behind the blue, smoggy skies of Bangkok, we were coming in to land at hot, humid and overcast Siemreap. Again, the immigration process was seamless, I got my passport back with relevant visa and walked out of the airport towards a Khmer chap holding up a board that read: 'Mr. Danny Youg'. Of course, it was for me and I jumped aboard the tuk-tuk, bags and all, and sped off towards town. Upon arrival at the guest house, I discovered that my room wasn't ready so spent the night in the guest house over the road. Oh, and the internet didn't work either.

So despite these unexpected happenings, we can call upon Him to act on our behalf and for the circumstances to be glorifying to Him despite the frustrations we may feel.

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